Successful CSUG meeting

Successful CSUG meeting

Chinese Users Groups of RCC-CW, RSE-M, RCC-F, RCC-M and RCC-E subcommittees met by videoconference between China and Fance at the end of October, 2020.

AFCEN experts, AFCEN China representatives and CSUG experts from several Chinese companies attended the meetings. In the frame of AFCEN and NEA agreement, many side meetings were dedicated to check the translation of the RCC standards into Chinese.

The Nuclear Safety Authority, NNSA represented by Mrs JingYun LI was present as well as Mr YeXi KANG, ISNI Chairman. Mrs. Li emphasized the importance of standard development for the overall safety, and confirmed the importance of understanding the contents of AFCEN standards. She expressed her satisfaction of the work led in the frame of the CSUG.

The outcome of these meeting: an increasing number of IRs and MRs to be submitted to the RCC sub-committee which illustrates a growing technical level partnership; a good progress of the translation work was noticed.

The next CSUG meeting will be held in May 2021.