PTAN 2019 RCC-C Qualification OCS
Reference: AFC140

This PTAN describes the options available to industrial companies (designers and operators of nuclear installations) to respond in the most appropriate manner to the recommendations made in ASN Guide No. 28 [2], by using a method which is in keeping with the relevant challenges.
It describes the general approach recommended by the industrial companies.
This is a progressive approach and will be revised in stages, taking into account experience acquired, and changes in knowledge and the state of the art.
The rate at which changes are made to the PTAN will be adapted so as not to adversely affect the reference documentation and progress with projects.
The following expressions used in the PTAN are as defined in Standard ISO 14001-v2015:
- The word “shall” indicates a requirement (regulations impose requirements, for example),
- The word “should” reflects a recommendation, or advice (for example, the ASN Guides usually issue recommendations, and this is particularly applicable in the case of Guide No. 28),
- The word “may” indicates permission, possibility or ability.
PTAN RCC-C Qualification OCS rev AQualification des outils de calcul scientifique utilisés dans la démonstration de sûreté nucléaire - 1ère barrière

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