RSE-M 2017
Reference: AFC56
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In-Service Inspection Rules for Mechanical Components of PWR Nuclear Islands
Main edition
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The In-service Surveillance Rules for Mechanical Components of PWR Nuclear Power Stations (RSE-M) contained in this document describe practices in the French nuclear industry along with the requirements arising from the applicable regulations.
The RSE-M code is updated annually, in particular to incorporate experience acquired, technological progress, changes in the regulations.
The 2017 edition of the RSE-M replaces the 2016 edition. This document applies to pressurized components and to the spare parts intended for use in such components. It does not apply to components made from materials other than metal. Regarding the basic rules applied in the construction of PWR power plants, numerous references are made to the requirements of the RCC-M code published by AFCEN.
Changes made in this new edition are particularly concerned with:
- A 1700: Inclusion of a new chapter on layup of secondary system components (steam generators in particular), especially chemical specifications for layup.
- B 1200 and B 8510: Clarification of the MSS boundaries.
- B 4000: Harmonization of paragraphs in B 4000 which call for a manual liquid penetrant examination technique as part of the ‘defense in depth’ principle (hypothetical defects), with RCC-M MC 4000.
- B 4800 and B 4900: Creation of both chapters B 4800 (examination of piping in the MPS and the MSS) and B 4900 (overall examination of the MPS), considering the evolutions of chapter B 4900 since 2015 and in accordance with the actual practices.
- B 6312 d): The results from an ISP capsule undergo further processing to establish the shift in RTndt when the difference between the measured values TK7 and T0,9 is greater than 8°C.
- B 9000: Creation of a chapter specific to Pre-Service Inspection, which is neither a periodic requalification nor a periodic inspection and update of the text.
- Appendix 1.1: Addition of definitions.
- Appendix 1.3: Update of the designated edition for RCC-M; addition of AFCEN Technical Publications.
- Appendix 1.4: Update of references to be consistent with RCC-M‘s evolutions.
- Appendix 1.8: Suppression of the appendix.
- Appendix 1.9: Suppression of the appendix.
- Appendix 4.3: Clarification of the existing definition of "essential parameter": reference to "main parameter" removed and details added in order to enhance on-site monitoring of essential parameters.
- Appendix 4.4: Complete updating of subsections II and III of Appendix 4.4 on Eddy Current examination of steam generator tubes to take the new probes (STT) into account and provide a better description of the operating procedures and the acoustic emission examination during the MPS hydraulic proof test.
- Appendix 5.0: Creation of a new appendix (App. 5.0) introducing appendices 5 in order to explicit the consistency of the links between appendices 5.1 to 5.8.
- Appendix 5.3: Alignment of Appendices 5.3 and 5.4 for the calculation of Keq according to the theta combination method. Clarification when |KII| < 0.02 |KI|.
- Appendix 5.4:
- Incorporation of the Kth2 method from RCC-MRx 2016 (processing thermal
stresses and interaction with primary stresses linked to the Js method, CEP option)
to ensure that appendix 5.4 of the RSE-M and Appendix A16 of the RCC-MRx are
consistent. - Additional information to specify the stress-strain curve to be used when calculating parameters kth or Jth (only in the event of a thermal transient) for welded joints (Appendix 5.4, Sub-Section V).
- Additional information to specify the stress-strain curve to be used when calculating parameter Js (in the absence of a thermal transient) for welded joints (Appendix 5.4, Sub-Section IV).
- Clarification for the calculation of Keq according to the theta combination method.
- Clarification when |KII| < 0.02 |KI| (appendix 5.4 § II.5.1 to II.5.3).
- Correction of sign error on the shear stresses for inlet or outlet sections of an elbow subject to plane bending moment (VII., VII. and VII.
- Clarification of the text concerning the degree of the polynomial used to adjust stresses when calculating stress intensity factors by the influencing coefficients method (II.2.a) and II.2.c)).
- Incorporation of the Kth2 method from RCC-MRx 2016 (processing thermal
- Appendix 8.1: Update of the appendix to be consistent with RCC-M‘s references evolutions.
- Appendix 3.1.I: Update of the visits tables (Complete, partial and EPR Pre-service inspection (VCI)) with the references to examination methods. The update of the three tables details the references to the new paragraphs of B 4800 « Examination of piping, nozzles and valve components in the MPS and the MSS » and B 4900 « Overall examination of the MPS » modified in 2017.
Erratas of RSE-M code have been published, available under this link: RSE-M erratas.
RSE-M 2017 - ENIn-Service Inspection Rules for Mechanical Components of PWR Nuclear Islands

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